Understanding the Duration of GamStop: How Long Does it Last?

Introduction to GamStop

What is GamStop?

GamStop is a UK-based online service that allows you to control your online gambling activities. It offers a platform for those who feel their gambling habits are becoming a problem to self-exclude from online gambling sites.

Purpose of GamStop

GamStop is designed to help gamblers take a step back, offering a period of self-exclusion to help break potential harmful habits and promote safer gambling behaviour.

How GamStop Works

Signing up for GamStop

Registering for GamStop is a straightforward process. You fill out a form on the GamStop website, providing some personal details and selecting the duration for your self-exclusion.

The Self-exclusion Process

Once registered, you'll be self-excluded from all gambling sites and apps licensed in the UK for your chosen period, helping you take a break from online gambling.

Duration of GamStop

Choosing the Length of your Self-Exclusion

When signing up for GamStop, you can select the length of your self-exclusion period. This can be 6 months, 1 year, or 5 years, according to your needs.

Common GamStop Durations

The most common durations are 6 months for a short break, 1 year for a more extended break, or 5 years for the longest available exclusion period.

What Happens When Your GamStop Period Ends

The Restoration Process

After the self-exclusion period ends, you will need to contact GamStop to remove your details from the system. It's important to note that this doesn't happen automatically; you need to request it.

Lifting the Self-Exclusion

Upon contacting GamStop, they will assess your situation and decide whether to lift your self-exclusion, helping ensure the decision is in your best interest.

Can I Cancel GamStop Early?

The Rules for Early Cancellation

Unfortunately, you cannot cancel your self-exclusion before the chosen period ends. This measure is designed to ensure you commit to your decision and take a full break from gambling.

Reasons Against Early Cancellation

The inability to cancel early is a testament to GamStop's commitment to help users manage their gambling habits without giving in to temptation prematurely.

Benefits of GamStop

Promoting Responsible Gambling

GamStop serves as a helping hand in promoting responsible gambling, allowing users to take a break and reassess their habits.

Mental Health Benefits

By providing a break from gambling, GamStop can help improve your mental health, reducing stress and anxiety associated with gambling addiction.

Criticisms and Limitations of GamStop

Non-GamStop Casinos

A notable limitation is that GamStop only covers UK-licensed casinos. This means you can still access online casinos not registered with GamStop, potentially undermining the effectiveness of your self-exclusion.

Over-reliance on GamStop

While useful, GamStop shouldn't be your only line of defence against problem gambling. It should be part of a broader strategy that might include counselling, self-help groups, and other support.

Alternatives to GamStop

Other Self-Exclusion Schemes

Aside from GamStop, there are other self-exclusion schemes, like GAMSTOP and BetBlocker, which serve similar purposes.

Professional Help and Support

Seeking help from professionals, such as therapists or counsellors specializing in addiction, can provide much-needed support during your self-exclusion period.


Understanding the duration of GamStop and how it operates can help those struggling with gambling issues take back control. It's a useful tool, but remember it's just one part of a broader strategy for managing problem gambling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register for GamStop more than once?

Yes, after your self-exclusion period ends and if you feel the need, you can choose to re-register for GamStop.

Can a casino refuse to remove me from GamStop?

No, after your self-exclusion period ends, you have the right to request the removal of your details from the GamStop system.

What happens if I try to gamble while on GamStop?

If you attempt to gamble at a UK licensed casino while registered on GamStop, you will be unable to access your account or create a new one.

Can I still receive gambling promotions while on GamStop?

No, once registered with GamStop, you should not receive any gambling-related marketing material.

Does GamStop apply to offline casinos?

No, GamStop only covers online gambling sites and apps licensed in the UK. For offline casinos, consider the Multi-Operator Self-Exclusion Scheme (MOSES).